Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Love U but I Hate U

I love U but I hate U. What does it mean? To love and hate a person at the same time. How to love a person because of Allah S.W.T? Suddenly, I remember what my Ustaz used to say in Basic Themes of Al-Quran class during my time in CFS. To love a person because of Allah is because that person is obeying Allah's order and leaving what He ordered us to leave. Sebagai contoh, kita sangat menyayangi kawan kita tetapi kita membencinya akibat perbuatannnya yang telah melanggar perintah Allah. To love a person does not mean we have to accept everything they do walaupun perkara tu sebenarnya salah disisi Allah. As what my friend used to mention in her blog, persahabatan yang dibina atas dasar kasih sayang kerana Allah itu jauh lebih manis dan bermakna.

Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father and his children." (Book #2, Hadith #13)
Sahih Bukhari


Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, "Whoever possesses the following three qualities will taste the sweetness of faith: 1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle become dearer than anything else. 2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's sake. 3. Who hates to revert to disbelief (Atheism) after Allah has brought (saved) him out from it, as he hates to be thrown in fire." (Book #2, Hadith #20)
Sahih Bukhari

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